After workshopping and developing Matthew Gasda's new, 'DIMES SQUARE', the play previewed in February 11th 2022. Following its first sold out run at Ty's Loft in Greenpoint, Brooklyn through February, the play was revived for an extended run in Soho. It received extensive critical acclaim in magazines and trades including, New York Magazine's Vulture , Vanity Fair and a feature in The New York Times.
"“Dimes Square” chronicles the petty backstabbing among a group of egotistic artists and media industry types" - New York Times
"Gasda sets his play over several days in a Chinatown loft belonging to the wealthy Brit Stefan (Max Macdonald), whose rivalry with the filmmaker Terry (Conor Hall) forms the play’s obscured nucleus."
- Vulture Theatre Review
Maximilian was so thrilled to be playing STEFAN as his acting debut. Being a part of the process as each week the script continued to develop was an incredibly valuable experience and 'DIMES SQUARE' will be returning for another run in Manhattan in mid May..!